According to local tradition, people store many products in olive oil, such as sun-dried tomatoes, eggplants, olives, mushrooms, so they are stored longer without losing their useful qualities. An integral part of the local cuisine is fresh basil and mint, which gives the dishes an incredible aroma. In addition to local cheeses and sausages, pasta, pizza, fish and meat dishes, vegetables, traditional products in Calabria include red Tropez onions, red hot peppers, licorice, various liqueurs. You should definitely try Indian figs, chestnuts and locally produced wines.
Calabrian liquorice is considered the best in the world. Liquorice grows on the Ionian coast between the municipalities of Roseto Capo Spulico in the north and a Cariati in the south. In these lands, liquorice grows spontaneously in soil rich in calcareous clay, which is the natural habitat for liquorice. In the territory of Rossano, the first factory for processing this ancient plant was built in 1710. Today, liquorice from Rossano is exported to all countries of the world, and its high quality is beyond doubt. The liquorice plant is a perennial bush of leguminous plants up to 2 meters high with long and powerful vertical roots, from which tendrils extend horizontally. The leaves of the plant are long and narrow, rich green. Liquorice flowers, blooming under the warm summer sun of Calabria, have a delicate bluish tint.

The most important part of the plant is the root, which is dark on the outside and light on the inside. Licorice root is taken from the ground after the plant has been flowering for 3 years. The top layer is removed from the root and dried, then cut into small, oblong sticks. Licorice is widely used in desserts. Licorice is one of the oldest plants, its beneficial properties and aroma were known more than 5,000 years ago, when the Chinese used licorice as a medicine for coughs and runny noses. Licorice has antibacterial properties and is used to treat rheumatic diseases, ulcers, liver disease and herpes.

Bergamot Reggio Calabria is a special plant of the Ionian coast of Calabria. This citrus plant with a pronounced aroma grows only in some areas of the Ivory Coast (Costa d’Avorio) and Brazil. Bergamot is an evergreen plant, about 3 meters high with bright green leaves, like an orange tree. Bergamot blooms from March to November. The fruit of bergamot is a citrus fruit weighing about 150 grams, slightly larger than an orange, with a yellow smooth peel of bright yellow color. Bergamot juice is very sour, bitter and has a rich aroma. The origin of bergamot is a subject of debate among botanists and historians, who insist that bergamot is a cross between a bitter orange and a sour lemon, which were brought to this area from the Canary Islands in the 15th century by Columbus. There is also a version that bergamot is a local plant of Reggio Calabria, its name in Latin is Citrus Bergamia. Bergamot was used in Calabria as early as the 14th century, but bergamot became widely known only in 1750.
The Bergamot tree does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations and cold, as well as excessive drought or an abundance of rain. The tree requires a mild climate. Calabria accounts for 90% of the world’s bergamot production. Various oils are made from the flowers and peel of bergamot fruits, which are widely used in perfumery throughout the world. Bergamot, due to its subtle fresh aroma, is an integral component in the production of cologne and toilet water. Bergamot oils are also used in aromatherapy.


The name of this fruit comes from the Latin “Citrus”. Citron grows mainly on the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria in the area between the communes of Tortora and Diamante, since it is here that the soil properties and climate characteristics allow this wonderful tree to bloom. The Calabrian citron can reach a height of 4 meters, and its leaves can be up to 20 cm long. Citron flowers are very fragrant, pink on the outside and white on the inside. Citron blooms for quite a long time: from spring to autumn. The citron fruit has an oblong oval shape and can reach 30 cm in diameter. Citron is a Mediterranean plant, but it can withstand cold northern winds with temperatures down to – 5C. Citron is a very ancient plant and experts still argue about its origin. Most scientists believe that citron was grown in Ancient Egypt more than 4,000 years ago, then the Jews brought it to Palestine, and then citron came to Europe, since at that time trade relations between Europe and Palestine were in their active development.
According to another version, citron is attributed to Ancient Persia, and it is believed that it was from there that the troops of Alexander the Great brought citron to Europe. Citron is used in the food industry for the preparation of soft drinks, jams. It is especially widely used in Calabrian cuisine for the preparation of various creams for sweets. The territory where citron grows is called the Riviera of citron (Riviera dei Cedri). Citron liqueur is also produced here, and citron is also used as an additive for high-quality extra virgin olive oil.


The famous Calabrian red onion grows on the Tyrrhenian coast near Tropea. This variety of lua is grown mainly in the communes of Ricadi and Briatico in the province of Vibo Valentina, as well as in Tropea, which is why this onion variety is also called “Tropea onion”.
Due to the climate and soil in which the onion grows, it is rich in vitamin C, iron, magnesium and zinc, and also has special medicinal properties against sclerosis, heart disease and high blood pressure. There is a version that the “Tropea onion” was brought to Europe from Persia. According to another version, the onion appeared in this area thanks to the Phoenicians. The onion has a red shell, and inside it is white. The onion has a special juicy and not bitter taste. The uniqueness of the Tropea onion lies in its three properties: sweet taste, dark red shell and rich medicinal properties for heart disease. Onions are usually harvested in August-September. Tropea onions are widely used in Calabrian cuisine: they are an invariable ingredient in fresh salads with tomatoes, as they give the salad a slight piquancy, and they are also added to sauces for various dishes.
Hot red pepper
A tropical plant brought from America. Calabria is an ideal place for growing hot peppers, and it is pepper that is one of the main products in Calabria. In Calabria, on the Tyrrhenian coast, in the area between the communes of Amantea and Diamante, the Red Pepper Festival is held every year. Red hot peppers were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century, but the Chinese were familiar with the amazing properties of red peppers many centuries earlier. Because of its too hot taste, red peppers are not very popular among European peoples, but are especially honored by the Arabs and the peoples of North Africa. Red peppers appeared in Calabria thanks to the Saracens. In the 16th century, the first travelers noted that Calabria has a very strong tradition of using red peppers in local cuisine.

Today, Calabria occupies a leading position in the field of growing peppers on its territory. Almost every Calabrian family grows it in their garden or on balconies. Entire fields in Calabria are planted with red peppers. Red peppers are not very demanding plants and do not require much attention. The harvest usually takes place in the summer months. The peppers are dried in the sun to be ground, and the red hot ground pepper is widely used both as a seasoning and as a medicine, as it is an excellent disinfectant.
Tartufo Ice Cream
Tartufo – this famous ice cream was invented in 1943 to honor the visit of Prince Umberto I of Savoy. It was produced in Vibo Valentia in a family pastry shop. Tartufo is a small ball of ice cream with a filling inside. Initially, the classic tartufo is made from nut ice cream, the ball is rolled in cocoa, which gives it a dark brown color, and dark chocolate is used as a filling. There is also Tartufo based on lemon ice cream with limoncello inside. Now each ice cream parlor in Pizzo has its own special recipe for making Tartufo, with its own unique taste.

Nduja pork sausage

Nduja is a Calabrian pork sausage. The product is mainly produced in the area around Spilinga (Vibo Valentia province). Fatty pork and capsicum (hot pepper) are used to make this sausage. Incidentally, this sausage was originally made from leftover meat and pork entrails; nduja was considered a poor man’s sausage. The sausage is stuffed into a natural casing (intestine) and smoked. The finished product has a spicy taste thanks to the pepper and a soft texture.
Nduja is, of course, good to eat with just a piece of bread (Calabrians prefer to put the sausage on a piece of warmed bread). This sausage is also often used for pizza. Another popular dish is vegetable stew (with tomatoes and garlic), to which nduja is added.